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We Understand Behavioural Change and How to Sustain it

Executive Mandala’s Philosophy is founded on the following five, inter-related principals:

  • Business Results are our critical metric of success
  • Executives’ behaviour, judgement and relational skills are critical to business success
  • Executives’ ability to sustain constructive behaviours, sound judgement and constructive, productive relationships is determined by their skill and ability to manage their own mind.
  • Mind Management skills are learnable through the development of sub-skills in self-awareness, other-awareness, interpersonal communication and cognitive flexibility.
  • The learnability of all these skills and their relation to real-world behavioural change are both supported by 25 years of applied neuro-psychological and business research.
Transformational change

We believe the weight of evidence supports our position that the personal changes that allow executives to grow away from reflexive, unproductive behaviours are both possible and are part of human capability. The immense progress in neuroscience gives us unprecedented understanding of how our brains change as we learn and of how to enhance our brains’ ability to change. It also has demonstrated that these changes are reflected in changed behaviour and changed neurological structure.

Alignment to business objectives

Parallel research in commercial and governmental organisations has demonstrated the profound impact on productivity of executive and managerial behaviour. In knowledge organisations, the difference in productivity between motivated staff can be in excess of 300% (Zenger & Folkman, 2010). In turn, the level of staff motivation has been demonstrated critically to depend on the behaviours of management. Additionally, the research has demonstrated the profound influence of the behaviours of C-level executives on the overall organisation culture.

An integrated approach

We seek to work with you to identify the behavioural obstacles to optimal performance in your organisation at team and individual levels. We seek to target our joint efforts at recruiting existing strengths toward developing your executives’ and senior managers’ mind management skills to materially improve the outcome of business critical initiatives.

Business Oriented Specialists in Human Change

Our people have wide experience in business and are highly skilled in applying a range of human change modalities, in assisting executives with the theoretical basis for such change, and in making such change sustainable.

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